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About Us

Truth can be obscure in the 2020s.

Get the tools you need to uncover it.

We live in a society where truth is dismissed by the establishment as worthless while corporate profit is acknowledged as the only fundamental “virtue” in existence (though other values are regularly feigned). At the same time, any person or organization that dares to discuss foundational objective truth in open discourse is marginalized, demonized, and ostracized by the establishment for doing so.


At the center of this informational corruption is, of course, the corporate media.


It seems that nearly every corporate news source has some variety of unspoken agenda when reporting local, national, and world events. Whether the motive is economic, political, or some combination of these two, news organizations seem more than willing to compromise the integrity of their reporting to the advantage of the interests that fund them.


Over the decades, as corporate news evolved, news companies would continually form informational consortiums with official-sounding nomenclature promising greater standards of integrity and dependability. These organizations gave audiences a greater sense of security and stability in media. However, at their core, these news organizations represented ever-increasing degrees of centralization of a once diverse and free-speaking news media.


As in any situation with little to no transparency, the integrity of this increasingly centralized news apparatus was compromised to even greater extents.


Despite the official-sounding titles given to various news conglomerations, the integrity of news has drastically decreased over the years. Aside from appearances, it seems the only effect the centralized news had was to standardize the ever-increasing bias and compromise of news by elitist interests. In other words, corporate agenda seems to have permeated to the top of the centralized news pyramid structure.


Now, here in the 2020s, the corrupted version of news is used as a gauge to measure the accuracy of nearly all information. In short, unless a source parrots the biased, compromised, and outright propagandistic narratives of corporate news, that source is accused of spreading “disinformation” and blacklisted by all corporate sources.


As a consequence of this informational control, objective reliable truth has been stigmatized, labeled “conspiracy theory,” and censored from discussion in the digital public square. This has further led to provably accurate news stories being reported retroactively – usually, 2 to 3 years late after mainstream news admits the information originally labeled “conspiracy theory” was true all along.


At best, this corrupted standard of news reporting connotes incompetence and irresponsibility in mainstream media. At worst, it represents an attempt through corporate news to manipulate public opinion at the whim of self-interested mega-corporations and/or political interests. Yet regardless of motives, it is the public that pays the price for being denied dependable information.


Unless we choose to approach news responsibly and independently, we can expect to be deceived to greater and greater degrees in the coming years. However, by employing critical thinking, deductive reasoning, and learning to decipher journalism from propaganda, we can accurately evaluate any news report we might come across.


DTM News was created to help news audiences begin this process of becoming skilled independent journalists and boosting their immunity to corporate and political manipulation.


Critical thinking and deductive reasoning are at an all-time low in today's society, while emotional and psychological manipulation by media sources are at an all-time high. Let DTM News assist you in sharpening your skills of discerning true information.


To begin the process, here are a number of questions that can help us view news reports more critically.




Where did this message originate?


Who paid for this news report, and where did those funds first originate?


What economic interests might this message serve?


If I/the audience believe/s this news report fully without question, who benefits?


Does this message avoid necessary criticism of any particular person or party?


Does this message distract from another story that immediately preceded it?


By demonstrating the conscious awareness to ask these questions and maintaining the integrity to answer them thoroughly, honestly, and responsibly, we can learn to uncover the truth behind the average news report, regardless of whether or not it is reported reliably or honestly.


DTM News exists specifically to ask these questions and to encourage a more skeptical view of news and the reports we receive daily. We believe that in doing so, we not only grow in our awareness of the world, but we assist others in doing the same.

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