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INVESTIGATION: The Fascinating Theory of Quantum Consciousness

By Exploring Your Mind

Published January 16, 2021

The Fascinating Theory of Quantum Consciousness

The theory of quantum consciousness can be a bit complex for those who haven’t mastered the science behind quantum mechanics. It truly is a tangled but absolutely fascinating web at the same time. Although many of its postulates are still in the hypothesis phase, enough knowledge has also been accumulated to make it a highly respected field.

Let’s start by saying that physics had two great revolutions at the beginning of the 20th century. One was Albert Einstein’s famous theory of relativity. The other was quantum physics. Relativity was a milestone but quantum mechanics completely transformed the way we understood the world.

Quantum mechanics was intended, in principle, to explain all those phenomena that occur in the world of extraordinarily small objects or elements. In doing so, they gradually came across great surprises. This is where the theory of quantum consciousness kicks off.

What Physicists Found

When technology made it possible to observe subatomic particles (In other words, those that make up atoms and which are infinitely small) a series of strange phenomena, to say the least, were discovered.

What did physicists find, and how does this relate to the theory of quantum consciousness? First of all, let’s talk about the findings, which were the following:

  • The indetermination of the trajectory. When a large object is launched, it follows a predictable trajectory. In contrast, subatomic particles follow an indeterminate trajectory.

  • Indetermination of the final impact. While by firing a bullet one can know where it will impact, when “firing” a subatomic particle, this becomes totally unpredictable.

Physicists initially thought that perhaps subatomic particles behaved this way because they were too small. This made factors like air, or similar, change their trajectory and make it unpredictable. However, an experiment was conducted that raised new questions.

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